Friday, April 21, 2006

Involvment Ministry

In a few months I will be the involvement minister for a church in Florida. What is involvement ministry? I appreciate the description by one of my professors of ministry as "a resource person." Our job in professional ministry is to make connections. Most of our training at the graduate school in Memphis is dedicated to connecting people with God's Word. We help people connect with Christ.

Fred Craddock has said that often a minister's job is to say what the people have been wanting to say, but didn't know how. Bruce McLarty has said that A minister often must ask the questions that others don't want to or know how to ask. These are connections; between people and articulated questions and answers in our Christian walk.

As I reflect on involvement ministry I keep seeing the job as making connections between people. The involvement minster has the task of knowing everyone and helping them to connect to each other.

Help me out. What should an involvement minister do? What are ways to connect people to each other, the church and to God?

If you aren't able to make a comment (I have tried to make a comment and failed so maybe you have difficulty) feel free to email me at


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